Minutes and Committees
Public Minutes
Sometimes the meeting is moved to witness to an issue in our society by writing a public minute. These minutes typically explain our perspective on the issue, the spiritual foundations of this perspective, and actions that we recommend or commit ourselves to taking.
These excerpts from the past four decades offer a picture of our witness. The full texts are available here.
Minute on Israel-Palestine Conflict
Nashville Friends Meeting abhors the horrific violence continuing in Israel and Palestine.
As Quakers, we respect the universal sanctity and dignity of all people.
We urge our government to:
• call for an immediate cease-fire among all parties to allow them to enter into diplomatic negotiations to build a just and lasting peace,
• call for the immediate release of hostages by all parties,
• call for immediate and adequate humanitarian aid, and
• redirect USA military funding in this region to peacebuilding.
Approved by Nashville Friends Meeting 11/26/2023
Other Minutes
In addition to public minutes, we write minutes that are only intended to keep track of our ongoing work. These are written during meetings for worship with attention to business, such as when we accept a committee's report or make a decision, and are distributed to Friends in the Nashville Friends Meeting community via our email list after the meeting. Contact the clerk - nfmclerk@gmail.com - if you need access to these other minutes.
Much work of the meeting begins in small committees. These currently include:
Adult Education Committee, which arranges the adult education hours after meeting for worship
Alternatives to Violence Project (AVP) Committee, which coordinates trainings and workshops on the topic of Alternatives to Violence
Children's Religious Education Committee, which looks after our First Day School program
Finance Committee, which helps create and monitor our budget
House and Grounds Committee, which ensures the integrity and safety of the building and grounds
Ministry and Counsel Committee, which is responsible for the worshipful life of the meeting and the pastoral care of its individuals
Nominating Committee, which matches Friends' gifts and leadings to opportunities for service
Peace and Justice Committee, which organizes the group efforts of the community to meet unaddressed social needs
Prayer Committee, which spiritually upholds the meeting and particular Friends in need
Other individual positions of responsibility are also crucial to the work of the meeting, including:
The clerk, who shepherds the agenda during meetings for worship with attention to business and discerns when the meeting is in unity about a decision
The assistant clerk, who takes the place of the clerk when the clerk is absent or needs to step aside of clerk duties
The recording clerk, who records the minutes of the meeting for worship with attention to business
The treasurer, who manages payments and contributions
The archivist, who keeps track of minutes, membership, marriages, and so on
The representative to Southern Appalachian Yearly Meeting and Association (SAYMA), who communicates needs and activities between our local meeting and this regional body
For more information about these committees and positions, feel free to email the clerk (clerk@nashvillefriendsmeeting.org).